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Accomodation in the Bohemian Paradise, Hotel Pod Šikmou Věží

Hotel Pod Šikmou Věží

Hotel Pod Šikmou Věží offers accommodation in the Bohemian Paradise area at great prices.


Accomodation in Český Ráj

Do you like walking or mountain biking? The hotel is very close to several walking and horseriding tracks. Do you enjoy going on trips or romantic walks? From the hotel, the whole of the Bohemian Paradise is within easy reach, click here for tips on trips. We hope that we will attract all those who are looking for quality accommodation in the Bohemian Paradise at reasonable prices.

Hotel Pod Šikmou Věží


Part of the hotel is a cozy restaurant with garden that offers a wide range of meals and drinks. If you re hungry after exploring the Bohemian Paradise or you simply feel like having a feast, don t hesitate to drop in. We also cater for small children, who can play in the hotel garden under your supervision.

Naše restaurace

Hotel Pod Šikmou Věží
Horní Lochov 32
506 01 Holín

Jaroslav Gregor

IČ 70757372

DIČ CZ7609260197


+420 739 747 374




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